Jean Watson Artist B Ed BFA MFA
Television coverage May 1 1994 CNN World Report: An art exhibition on Bosnia
March 10 1994 IRIB News (Iran) World View
May IRIB (Iran) Arts Channel Horizons
Solo Exhibitions Summer 2018 KAN Gallery Lindsay
2006 Axioms Southampton Art Gallery Southampton ON
Jan-March 1998 Journeys O'Connor Macleod Building Oakville On
( Oakville Arts Council Art Works Programme)
May 1995 Horizons Zarrabi Gallery Tehran, Iran
March 1994 World View Barg Municipal Gallery Tehran
(First solo exhibition by a foreigner in Tehran since the revolution
Major Group exhibitins October 2014 Water, water everywhere. Art on Kent Lindsay Ontario
2011-2013 Several shows at Nature's Millworks, Paisley ON
March 2009 Toronto Art Expo
Jan 1999 Water O'Connor Macleod Oakville Arts council Art Works
Dec 1994 "Tous les etres humaines naissent libres et egaux..." Observatoire 4 Gallery
Montreal. Funded by the Quebec Ministry of Culture the City of Montreal
and the Peruvian Consulate
Sept 1994 Elite Gallery Montreal In aid of Women's shelters
August 1994 Elite Gallery Montreal
August 1993 Woods Gallery Vermont College, Montpelier Vermont
March 1993 Woods Gallery Vermont College
December 1992 Niaveran Cultural Centre Tehran Iran
Invitational show in aid of Bosnian relief
March1992 Woods Gallery Vermont College
August 1991 Aspects of Concordia Canal Complex Lachine Quebec
1991-1992 Montreal Museum of Fine Arts Art Lend Gallery
October 30-November 22 Abstractions and Contraptions. Art on Kent. Lindsay Ontario
Also many other local shows in Ontario and Quebec